Welcome to the CooliPedia
The comprehensive online information resource about the CooliVerse and everything that exists within it - including Airnimals, Vittals and You.
The CooliPedia can be updated by you and others as more is learned about the CooliVerse and more Airnimals are sighted
The CooliPedia is your way of sharing your knowledge and experience as a successful Airnimal Tracker & Keeper
Some entries in the CooliPedia have to be taken with a pinch of salt (as one does with a boiled egg)

Last updated 2025-03-14In ancient times, most of the world’s butter churning was carried out underground by ancient butter gnomes. Even today, if you leave milk out on the kitchen table long enough, gnomes will steal it in the night, churn it and creep back into your house, leaving a delicious lump of fresh and delicious gnome butter to enjoy for your breakfast.
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